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On March 9, 2012, the WFU Department of Counseling hosted two Continuing Education Spring Seminars for counseling students and professionals in the community. The seminars were held in Detamble Auditorium, Tribble Hall within the Department of Counseling on Wake Forest’s campus.


Morning Seminar Spring 2012 Dr Spencer Niles



In the morning seminar, Dr. Spencer Niles presented: Career Interventions for the High School and College Age Populations: Moving Beyond Traditional Career Assessment for High School and College Students.



Participants during Morning Seminar with Dr. Spencer Niles 2012


After a short lunch break for participants, Dr. Adria E. Shipp presented the afternoon seminar, entitled: Ethical Challenges for Counselors Posed by Social Networking Sites.



Thank you to all attendees and to our two speakers, Dr. Spencer Niles and Dr. Adria E. Shipp. 


Brief Biographies of Our Presenters

 Dr. Spencer Niles

Dr. Spencer Niles is Professor and Department Head for Counselor Education, Counseling Psychology, and Rehabilitation Services at Pennsylvania State University. He is also Director of the Center for the Study of Career Development and Public Policy at Penn State. He also serves as Vice-President for International Development for Kuder, Inc. Dr. Niles is the recipient of the National Career Development Association’s (NCDA) Eminent Career Award, a NCDA Fellow, an American Counseling Association (ACA) Fellow, ACA’s David Brooks Distinguished Mentor Award, the ACA Extended Research Award, and the University of British Columbia Noted Scholar Award. He served as President for the National Career Development Association and Editor for The Career Development Quarterly. Currently, he is the Editor of the Journal of Counseling & Development and has authored or co-authored approximately 100 publications and delivered over 100 presentations on career development theory and practice. He is an Honorary Member of the Japanese Career Development Association, Honorary Member of the Italian Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, and a Lifetime Honorary Member of the Ohio Career Development Association.


Dr. Adria E. Shipp

Adria E. Shipp is the School Health Program Manager for Piedmont Health Services, a community health center based in Carrboro, NC. Adria also teaches hybrid master’s and doctoral level courses for The University of Northern Colorado, as well as providing supervision for counseling interns at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  She has eleven years of experience in public education, including eight years as an elementary, middle, and high school counselor in North Carolina. She has presented and published work on the topic of helping counselors find innovative ways to use technology in counseling and counselor education. Adria has been featured in NewsweekCounseling Today, and ASCA School Counselor for her work exploring social networking and social networking sites. Her current research interests include using social network data to explore community knowledge sharing and collaboration practices, integrating behavioral health services into pediatric medical homes, and promoting school-linked and school-based health services for underserved populations. Adria earned a doctoral degree in counseling and counselor education from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, a master’s degree in school counseling from Western Carolina University and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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