Faculty Provide April Webinars with Chi Sigma Iota
Department of Counseling Professors Sam Gladding and Philip Clarke each presented an April webinar with Chi Sigma Iota. On Friday, April 13th, Philip Clarke presented a webinar with Dr. L. Marinn Pierce entitled “Bibliotherapy: Using Movies, TV Shows, and Music in Counseling to Facilitate Client Change.” On Wednesday, April 18th, Dr. Sam Gladding presented a webinar entitled, “International Counseling: A Global Phenomenon.”
Both webinars are available free of cost to members of Chi Sigma Iota. See below for a description of each webinar and a link to more information, including .wmv or .pdf viewing options and the Webinar CEU request form.
Bibliotherapy: Using Movies, TV Shows, and Music in Counseling to Facilitate Client Change
Research and clinical experience clearly demonstrate that client insight is best reached through multiple avenues of processing. Bibliotherapy has proven to be a powerful modality for building rapport, catalyzing client insight and motivation, and facilitating change. This webinar will provide an overview of media as a Bibliotherapy intervention appropriate with both youth and adult populations including the use of film, television, and music. This webinar is particularly unique in that each Bibliotherapy approach will grounded in the intentional use of counseling theory aimed at addressing a specific aspect of cognitive emotional processing. Specifically, Gestalt, Reality Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Feminist Theory lenses will be utilized as a basis for each Bibliotherapy intervention to be presented. Participants who attend the seminar will leave with a greater understanding of how, when, and why to use this creative approach.
International Counseling: A Global Phenomenon
We live in an increasingly global world. CNN and other media outlets constantly deliver emotional as well as informational news to us. Often this news involves other countries. One impact of this deluge of sights and sounds is to make us wonder what counselors can do to help address critically important issues arising in nations such as Haiti, Chile, China, India, Turkey, Malaysia? How can we individually and collectively network with counselors in other parts of the world? Can we make a difference for the good of those not in our immediate communities? What do we have in common with counselors in the profession in countries outside the United States? What differences do we need to be mindful of and what similarities do we hold in common?
Because of substantive and relevant firsthand experience with counseling in other countries, Dr. Gladding will provide a context for helping attendees look across the globe with an eye toward counseling needs. He will address how we, as a profession, can advance the creditability and integrity of counseling globally. This program will provide participants an opportunity to gain insights into counseling abroad. It will also examine the needs of those for whom counselor training is particularly appropriate with its strength based, wellness orientation.
Categories: Continuing Education, Faculty