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Chi Sigma Iota would like to announce a very exciting project we have in the works. Our fundraising project for the year will be the publication of a departmental poetry compilation! We have received a grant from WFU Student Life to have the collection published, so all profits will go directly into the CSI operating budget.
In the words of Dr. Sam Gladding (well, in the style of words from Dr. Gladding): You might be saying to yourself, “Self, I am not a poet. I could never submit anything for this publication.” Well, I’ll tell you what I want what I really, really want. I want each and every one of you to submit a piece for this project! Because not having a poem from you would just be no good, baby. It’s no good. (End scene on the tribute to Dr. Gladding)
This is an amazing opportunity to nurture and foster our creativity while being a part of something that will show friends, family, prospective students, and others who we are and what we are as a department. There are no rigid topic requirements, but it would be nice if submissions are at least loosely related to the profession of counseling, what being a counselor means to you, or how counseling is a part of your identity. If poetry isn’t your style and you’d prefer to submit a brief reflection on an impactful/meaningful experience that helped shape your counseling journey, or something along those lines, we are open to your ideas. However, we are limiting submissions to text only.
The deadline for submissions will be when classes end for Thanksgiving Break, so please submit your piece to the email address linked below by that time. We will have an editing committee, but ask that your submission be proofed and ready for printing when you send it. We want the books to be printed and ready by February’s CSI initiation ceremony.
Lastly, this invitation is for EVERYONE: faculty, staff, students, and alumni. We want a creative and comprehensive snapshot of our amazing program.
Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving and compiling all of your submissions!
To submit to the compilation or to ask questions about the project: Please contact us. 

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