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Faculty and Students receive awards at the 2007 ACA Convention

The WFU Pi Alpha Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota (international counseling honor society) won the Outstanding Chapter Individual Program Award which was presented at the 2007 ACA Convention in Detroit. Sam Gladding received the Wrenn Award for a Humanitarian and Caring Person and was named […]

2007 ACA Legislative Institute

At the end of February, 26 of 30 students and four professors from the WFU Counseling Department attended the American Counseling Association Legislative Institute.  The Institute is an intensive training program for members of the ACA interested in advocating and lobbying for counseling-related legislation. As […]

Two Counseling Students Receive Richter Fellowship Awards

Richter Scholarships are competitively awarded to students proposing an independent study project requiring travel away from Winston-Salem.  Two of the five scholarships awarded in 2007 went to rising second year students in the masters in counseling program. Scott Meltsner will observe and study in the […]
