Associate Teaching ProfessorAssociate Director of Online Counseling Programs

Faculty member at Wake Forest University since July 2013

Dr. Allison Forti

Mailing Address: WFU Department of Counseling, Box 7406, Winston-Salem, NC 27109

Phone: 336-758-2506


Location: Carswell 221


  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Psychosocial Oncology, Cancer Patient Support Program/Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2012
  • PhD, Counseling and Counselor Education, UNC Greensboro, 2011
  • MS, Counseling, UNC Greensboro, 2007
  • BA, Psychology, Indiana University, 1999

Research and Special Interests:

  • Holistic wellness and quality of life; cancer survivorship; resiliency; self-compassion

Awards (selected):

  • $6,325 Small Grant Award funded by the Wake Forest University Department of Bioethics.  Research Project: Prevalence and Influences on Advance Directive Planning in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients.  Funded in December, 2011.
  • $1,000 Community-Based Research Grant funded by UNCG Office of Student Leadership Project: The effectiveness of a wellness-oriented psychoeducational support group on the holistic wellness, health locus of control, and future perspectives of cancer survivors. Funded in October, 2010.
  • $1,500 Research Stipend funded by The UNCG Graduate School. Dissertation Project: Mindfulness and quality of life among breast cancer survivors: The mediating role of self-kindness and alexithymia. Funded in May, 2010.
  • $500 Licensed Professional Counselors Association of North Carolina Nancy Howell Scholarship. Funded in Spring, 2009
  • UNCG Counseling and Educational Development Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, 2008
  • UNCG Counseling and Educational Development Outstanding Master’s Student Award, 2006

Professional Service (selected):

  • Faculty Advisor (2013-present) Chi Sigma Iota, Pi Alpha chapter
  • Co-Chair of Mentoring Committee (2007-2008),Chi Sigma Iota, Upsilon Nu Chi chapter
  • Chair of Wellness Committee (206-2007), Chi Sigma Iota, Upsilon Nu Chi

Counseling Experience:

  • UNC Greensboro Counseling & Testing Center
  • Cancer Patient Support Program at Wake Forest Baptist Health Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Cone Health Cancer Center
  • Family Solutions
  • Youth Focus Residential Treatment Center

Professional Licensure and Memberships (selected):

  • Licensed Professional Counselor #7403
  • National Certified Counselor #226068
  • American Counseling Association
  • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Licensed Professional Counselor Association of North Carolina
  • Chi Sigma Iota, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter

Publications (selected):

  • Forti, A., Cashwell, C., Henson, R. (2016).  Mindfulness and QOL in cancer survivors: The mediating role of self-kindness and alexithymia. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 38, 346-359. doi: 10.17744/mehc.38.4.05
  • Shannonhouse, L., Myers, J., Barden, R., Clarke, P., Weimann, R., Forti, A., Moore-Painter, T., & Knutson, T. (2014) Finding your new normal: Outcomes of a wellness-oriented psychoeducational support group for cancer survivors. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work.  DOI 10.1080/01933922.2013.863257
  • Duckworth, K., & Forti, A. (2013). HCT candidate and proxy distress levels prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Supportive Care in Cancer.
  • Duckworth, K., & Forti, A. (2013). The process of advance care planning in HCT candidates and proxies: Self efficacy, locus of control and anxiety issues. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 
  • Duckworth, K., Forti, A, Russel, G., Campbell, C., Naik, S., Hurd, D., McQuellon, R. (2013). Advance care planning information and distress in hematopoietic cell transplant candidates and proxies. Psycho-Oncology, 22 (Suppl. 2), 1-47. DOI: 10.10002/pon.3245.
  • Forti, A., & Cashwell, C. (2012). Self-compassion, alexithymia, and quality of life among breast cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology, 21 (Suppl. 1), 1-134.  DOI: 10.1111/j.1099-1611.2011.03029_1x.
  • Murray, C., & Forti, A. (2009).  Validation of the Couples Resource Map Scales.  Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 8209-225.
  • Kaufman, M., L., Kimble, M., O., Kaloupek D., G., & Forti, A., M. (2002).  Peritraumatic dissociation and physiological responding to trauma relevant stimuli in Vietnam combat veterans with PTSD.  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease ,190, 167-174.

Presentations (selected):

  • Rogers, J., Binkley, E., Warden, S. P., Cashwell, T. H., Emerson, C. H., & Forti, A. (2016, February). Rethinking clinical supervision: A fresh look at common challenges.  All-day pre-conference training at the North Carolina Counseling Association’s annual conference.  Greensboro, NC.
  • Forti, A. (2015 October) #Consultation?: Meeting CACREP standards for consultation. Roundtable presented at the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision conference, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Forti, A., & Rogers, J. (2014 October)  I’m not the expert, I’m just the intern! : Consultation and supervision in medical settings. Presentation at the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision conference, Birmingham, Alabama.
  • Rogers, J.L., Cashwell, T., Emerson, C., Forti, A., Warden, S. (October 2014) Leaning In Without Losing Balance. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision confererence, Birmingham, AL.
  • Forti, A. & Pope, A. (2009, March). The overlooked role in illness: Helping caretakers of cancer  patients find peace and strength in a bleak situation.  Presentation at the American Counseling Association 2009 Conference.  Charlotte, NC.
  • Forti, A., & Pope, A. (2008, June). Surrendering control:  An experiential   exercise in coping with loss.  Presentation at the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling 2008 Conference.  Lake Junaluska, NC.
  • Bigbee, A., & Forti, A. (2007, October). The application of spirituality and creativity in working  with people who have cancer.   Presentation at the North Carolina Licensed Professional Counselors 2007 Conference.  Durham, NC.
  • Forti, A., & Mails, M. (2006, September). The counselor’s role: Facilitating cervical cancer screening in Latina clients.  Poster presented at the 9th Annual Licensed Professional  Counselor Association of North Carolina.  Greensboro, NC.
  • Forti, A. & Pope, A. (2005, September). Stick to it: Helping elderly clients adhere to physical   activity programs. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Licensed Professional Counselor Association of North Carolina. Greensboro, NC.
  • Wong, L., Sannerud, C., Baylor, M., Strom, K., Bethke, A., Forti, A., & Rachal, V. (2004,  November). National Forensic Laboratory Information System.  Poster presented at the  32nd Annual American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Symposium. San Diego, CA.
  • Kimble, M., Kaufman, M., Klymchuk, K., Roberts, K., & Forti, A. (2004, December).   Provoking dissociative responses in the lab:  Data from two studies.  Poster presented at   the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies.  New Orleans, LA.
  • Forti, A, Kaufman, M., Kimble, M. (2001, December). The 28-item childhood trauma   questionnaire: Psychometric properties in a sample of Vietnam veterans with combat- related PTSD.  Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the International Society for  Traumatic Stress Studies.  New Orleans, LA.
  • Kaufman, M., Forti, A., & Kimble, M. (2001, December).  The “dissociative subtype” in  combat-related PTSD.  Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the International Society for ,Traumatic Stress Studies.  New Orleans, LA.
  • Kimble, M., Kaufman, M., Forti, A., & Kaloupek, D. (2001, December).  Emotional priming  effects on ERP measures of attention in veterans.  Poster presented at the 17th annual  meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.  New Orleans, LA.
  • Miller, Mark W., Kimble, Matthew O., Litz, Brett, T., Greif, Jennifer, L., Wang, Julie, L., Forti, Allison, M. (2001, December).  Startle reflex, ERP responses, and image content during  affective picture processing in posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD).   Annual Meeting  of the Society for Psychological Research.  Montreal, Cananda.
  • Greif, J., Forti, A., Rabois, D., & Buckley, T. (2001, December).  Health risk behaviors, quality of life, longevity, and PTSD.  Poster presented at the 35th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.  Philadelphia, PA.
  • Greif, J., Forti, A., Rabois, D., & Buckley, T. (2001, December).  The relationship between PTSD, indicators of anger and hostility, and blood pressure. Poster presented at the 35th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy.  Philadelphia, PA.
  • Kaufman, M., Kimble, M., & Forti, A. (2001, December).  Dissiciation status and attentional  allocation in Vietnam combat veterans with PTSD.  Presented at the 17th annual meeting   of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.  New Orleans, LA.
  • Kaufman, M., Kimble, M.O., Kaloupek, D., Forti, A., and Keane, T. (2001, December).  The  effect of dissociation on ERPs in Veterans with PTSD.  Paper presented at the 17th  Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.  New Orleans, LA.
  • Kimble, M.O., Kaufman, M., Kaloupek, D.G., and Forti, A. (2001, December).  Predictors of P3  amplitude in combat veterans with PTSD.  Paper presented at the 17th annual meeting of   the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.  New Orleans, LA.
  • Woodward, S., Kimble, M., Kaloupek, D., Kaufman, M., Forti, A., Stegman, W., & Stewart, L. (2001, December).  Novelty P3 is Highly Sensitive to Depression in PTSD.  Poster presented at the Society for Psychological Research.  Montreal, Canada.
  • Miller, M., Kimble, M., Litz, B., Greif, J., Wang, J., Forti, A. (2001, December).  Startle Reflex,  ERP Responses, and Image Content During Affective Picture Processing in PTSD.  Poster  presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Psychological Research.  Montreal,  Canada.
  • Kaufman, M., Forti, A., Lowy, J., Teresi, K., & Kimble, M. (2000, December).  Relationship  between two MMPI-derived dissociation measures and the DES in combat veterans with  PTSD. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.  San Antonio, TX.


  • I enjoy spending time with my wonderful family and friends, running, and reading.