Dr. Jamie E. Crockett
Associate Professor – Co-Graduate Program Coordinator
Faculty member at Wake Forest University since 2014

Mailing Address: WFU Department of Counseling, Box 7406, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Office Phone: 336-758-1961
Email Address: crockeje@wfu.edu
Location: Carswell 210
- PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
- MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
- BS in Studio Art and Psychology (Minor), Keene State College, Keene, NH
Research and Special Interests:
- Social justice, advocacy, and ethics
- Neuroscience informed counseling
- Breathwork and contemplative practices
- Attachment, self-regulation, and human development
- Suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury
- Women, gender, and sexuality
- Culture, spirituality, and religion
Recent Awards/Honors (selected):
- Wake Forest University Humanities Institute Faculty Seminar (2021-2022 & 2022-2023) For an interdisciplinary collaboration titled – Affective injustice and the social production of emotional flourishing.
- Wake Forest University Pilot Research grant (2020)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Emerging Leader (2019-2020)
- 2019 Outstanding Research Award for Concept/Theory, The Professional Counselor Awarded for: Rogers, J. L., Crockett, J. E., & Suess, E. (2019). Miscarriage: An ecological examination. The Professional Counselor, 9, 51-66.
- Chi Sigma Iota, Honor Society
Counseling Experience:
- Triad Counseling and Clinical Services, LLC, Greensboro, NC (Current)
- Fisher Park Counseling, Greensboro, NC
- Duke Cancer Patient Support Program, Duke University Health System, Durham, NC
- Nicolas A. Vacc Counseling and Consulting Clinic, UNCG, Greensboro, NC
Professional Licensure and Memberships (selected):
- Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate (LCMHCA) in North Carolina
- Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)
- American Counseling Association (ACA)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
- American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)
Recent Publications (Selected):
- Crockett, J. E., & Ivers, N. N. (2023). Basic needs adversities among counselors in training: A cluster analysis. Teaching and Supervision in Counseling, 5(1).
- Crockett, J. E., & Ivers, N. N. (2022). Counselors in training educational impacts and perceived adequacy of supports amidst COVID-19. Journal of Technology in Counselor Education and Supervision. 2(2), 15-19.
- Crockett, J. E., & Cashwell, C. S. (2022). Relations among attachment, emotion regulation and dysfunctional breathing in young adults. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 44(2), 173–190.
- Crockett, J. E., Rogers, J. L. & Binkley, E. (2021). Cultural dimensions of early pregnancy loss: Spiritual and religious issues. Counseling and Values. 66(1), 21-39.
- Hayden, S. C. W. & Crockett, J. E. (2020). Applying feminist pedagogy to teaching counselor advocacy. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 15(4), 509-521.
- Rogers, J. L., Crockett, J. E., & Suess, E., (2019). Miscarriage: An ecological examination. The Professional Counselor. 9, 51-66.
- Gladding, S. T., & Crockett, J. E., (2018). Religious and spiritual issues in counseling and therapy: Overcoming clinician barriers. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health.
- Crockett, J. E., Cashwell, C. S., Marszalek, J., & Willis, B. T. (2018). A phenomenological inquiry of identity development, same-sex attraction, and religious upbringing. Counseling and Values. 63, 91-108.
- Crockett, J. E., Gill, D. L., Cashwell, T. H., & Myers, J. E. (2017). Integrating non-technological and technological peripheral biofeedback in counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 39, 163-179.
- Crockett, J. E., Cashwell, C. S., Bartley, J. L., Hall, K. H., & Young, J. S. (2016). Breathing characteristics and symptoms of psychological distress: An exploratory study. Counseling and Values, 61(1), 10-27.
Recent presentations (selected):
- Crockett, J. E. & Ivers, N. N. (February, 2022). Counselors in training adapt to online learning and clinical experiences. Presented at the annual conference of Counselor Education Distance Learning, Palo Alto University, Virtual.
- Crockett, J. E. & Ivers, N. N. (February, 2022). Counseling during pandemics: Examining counseling students basic needs adversities. Presented at the annual conference of North Carolina Counseling Association, Virtual.
- Crockett, J. E., & Ivers, N. N. (February, 2022). Basic needs adversities: Conceptualization and assessment. Presented at the annual conference of the North Carolina Counseling Association, Virtual.
- Crockett, J. E., (February, 2020). Emotion-regulation, psychobiology, and survival. Presented at the annual conference of the North Carolina Counseling Association, Charlotte, NC.
- Crockett, J. E., (February, 2020). Walking the talk – Ethical practice and counselor way of being Presented at the annual conference of the North Carolina Counseling Association, Charlotte, NC.
- Crockett, J. E., Rogers, J. L. & Binkley, E. (February, 2019). Coping with early pregnancy loss: Spiritual and religious issues. Presented at the annual conference of North Carolina Counseling Association, Durham, NC.
- Crockett, J. E. (February, 2019). Mindful ethics in clinical practice. Presented at the annual conference of North Carolina Counseling Association, Durham, NC.
- Crockett, J. E. (October, 2018). Mindful ethics. Presented at biannual conference of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Rogers, J. L. & Crockett, J. E. (October, 2018). Ecological, relational, and cultural perspectives on miscarriage. Presented at biannual conference of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Though I am originally from New Hampshire, I have called North Carolina home since 2008. I like to spend as much time as possible with my family and friends, ideally outside. My home is made far cozier by my children, pets, and houseplants. I enjoy indulging in nerdy and/or irreverent humor, reading, adventuring, making art, cooking without recipes, swimming, biking, yoga and other contemplative practices.
Counseling Faculty
- Dr. Jabari Adams
- Dr. Erin Binkley
- Dr. Robert Casares
- Dr. Tammy Cashwell
- Dr. Philip Clarke
- Dr. Jamie E. Crockett
- Dr. Nikki Elston
- Dr. Carla Emerson
- Dr. Isabel C. Farrell
- Dr. Allison Forti
- Dr. Michelle Ghoston
- Dr. Jasmine Graham
- Dr. Tameka Grimes
- Dr. Amy L. Grybush
- Dr. Seth Hayden
- Dr. Nathaniel Ivers
- Dr. David Johnson
- Dr. Sharon Blackwell Jones
- Dr. Sarah Moore
- Dr. Bob Nations
- Dr. Saundra Penn
- Dr. Jennifer Rogers
- Dr. Mark Scholl
- Dr. Kenneth Simington
- Dr. George Stoupas
- Dr. Jose Villalba
- Dr. Brittany E. Wyche