Dr. Isabel C. Farrell
Assistant Professor
Faculty member at Wake Forest University since July 2018

Mailing address: WFU Department of Counseling, Box 7406, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Email address: farrelic@wfu.edu
Office phone: (336)758-1979
Location: Carswell 203
Ph.D. in Counselor Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2018
M.S. in Counseling Psychology, Northeastern State University, 2012
B.A. in Psychology, Northeastern State University, 2009
Research and Special Interests:
Bilingual counseling; Immigrant and Refugee Populations; Advocacy;
Legislative Professional Advocacy
Awards (selected):
- American Counseling Association (ACA) Carl D. Perkins Government Relations Award, 2023
- Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Courtland Lee Social Justice Award, 2021
- Outstanding Counseling Advocate of the Year, Smoky Mountain Counseling Association, 2017
- National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Minority Fellow, 2016
Professional Service (selected):
- Southern Association for Counselor Education & Supervision President. 2024-2025.
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Professional Counselor Identity and AdvocacyAdvisory Group, 2024.
- Southern Association for Counselor Education & Supervision Conference Committee chair, 2023-2025
- Southern Association for Counselor Education & Supervision President-Elect, 2023-2024.
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Diversity Scholarship Committee, 2021-Present.
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Counseling Leadership and Advocacy, 2021-Present.
- Southern Association for Counselor Education & Supervision, Newsletter Co-Editor, 2020 – 2023.
- ACA Public Policy & Legislation Committee Chair, 2020 – 2023.
- EB-ACA Branch Development and Media Committee Co-Chair, 2020 – 2023.
- Professional Advocacy Committee Member, Chi Sigma Iota International (CSI), 2019 – 2022.
- North Carolina Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development Secretary, 2020 – 2021
- Intern, Chi Sigma Iota International, 2018 – 2019
- Leadership Intern Editor, CSI Exemplar, The Exemplar, Chi Sigma Iota, 2018 – 2019
Teaching Responsibilities:
- CNS 334 Ethics in Health and Human Services
- CNS 337: Skills in Health and Human Services
- CNS 739 Advanced Counseling Skills and Crisis Management
Counseling Experience (selected):
- Career Counselor, PiPES Community, 2016-2018
- Bilingual Mental Health Professional (Spanish-English), Dayspring Community Services, 2012-2015
- Bilingual Women’s Counseling Advocate, Women’s Shelter, Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS), 2012
Professional Licensure and Memberships (selected):
- Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Oklahoma
- National Certified Counselor (NCC)
- American Counseling Association (ACA)
- Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES)
- Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES)
- Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society (CSI)
Recent Publications (selected):
Farrell, I. C., DeDiego, A. C., Maurya, R. K., Oillia, A., Crumpton, C., & Lincoln, A. (2024). Trends in telehealth: a content analysis of state-level legislation. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy
DeDiego, A. C., Farrell, I. C.,Basma, D., & Makura, R. (2024). Impact of Demands of Immigration and Discrimination on Vocational Wellness for Immigrant Mental Health Professionals in the United States. Journal of Employment Counseling.
Farrell, I. C., Barrion Minton, C. A., DeDiego, A. C. (2023). Doctoral Students Balancing the Roles and Relationships of Counselor Education. The Qualitative Report.
Das, B., Farrell, I. C., Vashisht, K., Gantt, A., Simpson, E., & A., Johnson. (2023). How do we teach social justice in the United States? A cross-disciplinary synthesis of social justice andragogy. International Journal of Multicultural Education.
DeDiego, A. C., Basma, D., Chan, C. D., & Farrell, I. C. (2023) Experiences of diversity, equity, and inclusion for doctoral students and new faculty in leadership development programs, Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy.
Farrell, I. C., Binkley, E. E., Garcia, M. A., & Jackson, T. N. (2022). Advocacy of School Counselors Working with ELL Students. Professional School Counseling.
Farrell, I. C., DeDiego, A. C., & Marshall, R. C. (2020). Service learning to foster advocacy training in CACREP Accredited programs. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. Advance online publication.
Farrell, I. C., & Barrio Minton, C.A (2019). Advocacy among counseling leaders: The Three-Tiered Legislative Professional Advocacy Model. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 6(2), 144-159.
Marshall, R. C., & Farrell, I. C. (2019). Career guided imagery: A narrative approach for emerging adults. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 14 (2), 193-204.
Gibbons, M. M., Brown, E. C., Daniels, S., Rosecrance, P., Hardin, E., & Farrell, I. C. (2019). Building on strengths while addressing barriers: Career interventions in rural Appalachian communities. Journal of Career Development, 1-14.
Farrell, I. C., & Gibbons, M. (2019). Using narrative theory to assist college-aged Latino immigrants. Journal of College Counseling, 22(1), 83-96.
Book Chapters:
- Farrell, I. C & Cote, V. (2024). A Cultural and Community Approach to Counseling Practice and Relationships. In Gibbons, M. M. & Barrio Minton, C. A. Case Studies in Counselor Education. Cognella: San Diego, CA.
- Farrell, I. C (2023). Treating DSM-5 Diagnoses. In T. B. Fletcher & A. C. DeDiego, Creativity in Counseling Children and Adolescents: A Guide to Experiential Activities. Routledge: New York, NY.
- Francis, P. C. & Farrell, I. C. (2022). Ethics and Ethical Behavior. In S. K. Butler, A. F. Locke & J. Filmore, (Eds.), Introduction to 21st Century Counseling: A Multicultural and Social Justice Approach. (pp.60-91).Cognella: San Diego, CA.
- DeDiego, A. C, Farrell, I. C., McGrath, A, M. (2020). Narrative therapy to address trauma for emergency medical services and firefighters. In C. A. Bowers, D. C. Beidel & M. R. Marks (Eds.), Mental health intervention and treatment of first responders and emergency workers. IGI Global: Hershey, PA
Non-scholarly Publications (selected):
Farrell, I. C., & Basma, D. (2019). Counseling newcomers and refugees: Children and adolescents. ACA Practice Briefs.
Basma, D., & Farrell, I. C. (2019). Counseling adult newcomers and refugees: Downward mobility and career loss. ACA Practice Briefs.
Farrell, I. C. (2019). Building a stronger organization through leadership and advocacy. The Exemplar.
Farrell, I. C. (2019). Statewide/regional networking grants: One state with one goal. The Exemplar.
Farrell, I. C. (2019). Leadership capacity and mentoring: Multicultural and relational leadership. The Exemplar.
Farrell, I. C., Graham, D., Gibbons, M. M., & Hardin, E. E. (2017). PiPES Community Career Services Manual for Trainers.
Farrell, I. C., Graham, D., Gibbons, M. M., & Hardin, E. E. (2017). PiPES Community Career Services Manual for Patrons.
Farrell, I. C., Graham, D., Gibbons, M. M., & Hardin, E. E. (2017). PiPES Manual de Servicios de Orientación Profesional.
Recent Presentations:
- Wallace, D., DeCino, D., Randolph, A., Eskidge, B., Farrell, I., Storlie, C. (2024, November). Let’s Talk Leadership & Advocacy. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Webinar.
- Das, B., Farrell, I., &Simpson, E. (October, 2023). How do we teach social justice in the United States? A cross-disciplinary synthesis of social justice andragogy. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Denver, Co.
- Farrell, I. (October, 2023). Predictors of Burnout for Immigrant Mental Health Professionals in the United States. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Denver, Co.
- Farrell, I. C., Binkley, E. E., Garcia, M. A., & Jackson, T. N. (2023, April). Advocacy of School Counselors Working with ELL Students. American Counseling Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Farrell, I., Basma, D, & Marshall, R. (2022, April). Counseling Adult Newcomers and Refugees: Downward Mobility and Career Loss. American Counseling Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Blanchard, R., Farrell, I., McCurrach, J., Harrichand, J. (2022, April). Professional Advocacy: A Content Analysis of Interviews from CSI Leaders. Poster. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Basma, D., Farrell, I., DeDiego, A. (2022, April). Supporting International and Immigrant Counselors-in-training as they navigate experiences of migratory grief, discrimination, and limited social support. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Basma, D., Farrell, I., DeDiego, A. (2021, September). Understanding the Experiences of Immigrant Counselors. American Counseling Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Farrell, I. & Barrio Minton, C.A. (2019, March). Advocacy among counseling leaders: A constructivist grounded theory. Session presented at American Counseling Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Enjoys reading, traveling, cooking, and spending time with family.
Counseling Faculty
- Dr. Jabari Adams
- Dr. Erin Binkley
- Dr. Robert Casares
- Dr. Tammy Cashwell
- Dr. Philip Clarke
- Dr. Jamie E. Crockett
- Dr. Nikki Elston
- Dr. Carla Emerson
- Dr. Isabel C. Farrell
- Dr. Allison Forti
- Dr. Michelle Ghoston
- Dr. Jasmine Graham
- Dr. Tameka Grimes
- Dr. Amy L. Grybush
- Dr. Seth Hayden
- Dr. Nathaniel Ivers
- Dr. David Johnson
- Dr. Sharon Blackwell Jones
- Dr. Sarah Moore
- Dr. Bob Nations
- Dr. Saundra Penn
- Dr. Jennifer Rogers
- Dr. Mark Scholl
- Dr. Kenneth Simington
- Dr. George Stoupas
- Dr. Jose Villalba
- Dr. Brittany E. Wyche