Dr. Jasmine Graham
Assistant Professor
Faculty Member at Wake Forest University since July 2022

Mailing Address: WFU Department of Counseling, Box 7406, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Email address: grahamj@wfu.edu
Office phone: (336)758-3122
Location: Carswell 211
Ph.D. in Counselor Education & Supervision, Virginia Tech, 2014
Post-Graduate Certificate, Addictions Counseling, Appalachian State University, 2006
M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy, Appalachian State University, 2006
B.A. in Elementary Education, East Carolina University, 2004
Research Interests:
I have published on topics related to clinical mental health, school counseling, and Counselor Education. My primary and current interests include a.) women’s behavioral health, with particular attention to women’s mental health, maternity/mothering, and stress-related coping; b.) addiction, and c.) the intersection of the aforementioned primary interests. My research employs a variety of quantitative and qualitative methodologies such as structural equation modeling, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and phenomenological research design.
Awards (selected):
- EMPOWER grant recipient, Indiana University, 2021-2022
- Culture of Health Leadership Team (Indianapolis, IN), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2017-2020
- Program Coordinator (Counseling and Counselor Education Program, Indiana University-Indianapolis), Innovative Counseling Program of the Year, NCACES, 2018
- Urban League Fellow, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2017-2018
- OPTIONS cohort 17, Women’s Fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation, 2017-2018
- 40 Under 40 Alumni Leadership Award for Research and Education, East Carolina University, 2017
- Daya & Mrs. Usha K. Sandhu Multicultural Counseling Research Award, Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), 2013
- Emerging Leaders Fellow, Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), 2010
- Chi Sigma Iota Honorary Society, Tau Eta Kappa Chapter, Virginia Tech, 2010
Counseling Experience:
I have counseled clients experiencing many mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, addiction, LGBTQ support, couples counseling, family therapy, life and career stress, anger management, and wellness using individual counseling, couples counseling, family counseling, group counseling, and play therapy in a variety of settings such as outpatient, residential, school-based, intensive in-home, day treatment facilities, and correctional facilities throughout Charlotte, NC, the North Carolina triad (Greensboro/Winston-Salem/High Point/Lexington), North Carolina Appalachian communities (Boone, Blowing Rock, and surrounding communities), and Southwest Virginia (Roanoke, VA). Additionally, I have supervised counselors-in-training in Charlotte, NC; Statesville, NC; Southwest Virginia (Blacksburg/Christiansburg); Baltimore, Maryland; and in urban and rural Indiana communities (Indianapolis/Fishers/Carmel/Avon/Lawrence).
Certifications and Licenses:
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in North Carolina, effective 2008, License #1270 (inactive).
Professional Membership:
- American Counseling Association (ACA)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
- Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES)
- Chi Sigma Iota International Counseling Honor Society (CSI)
- Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD)
- International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors (IAAOC)
Service (selected):
- Founding Editor, Journal of Counseling and Psychology (JCP)
- Appointed Member, Ad Hoc Research Committee, NCACES
- Elected Member, Faculty Council, Indiana University Purdue University – Indianapolis
- Member, Faculty and Budgetary Affairs Committee, IUPUI School of Education
- Elected Member, Advisory Board, Women’s Fund of Central Indiana Community Foundation
- Program Coordinator, Counseling and Counselor Education Program, IUPUI School of Education
- Interim Faculty Director Field Experience, Counseling and Counselor Education Program, IUPUI School of Education
- Member, Advisory Board, Camp Mariposa – Indianapolis: Aaron’s Place
- Member, Mental Health Task Force, Women’s Fund of Central Indiana Community Foundation
- Member, Guild of Discovery Place, Discovery Place Museum
- Practicum Coordinator, School Counseling Program, Loyola University Maryland
Presentations (selected):
- Ghoston, M., & Graham, J. (2024, July). Neuro-Informed Education in Counseling with Children and Adolescents (IAC).
- Graham, J. & Ghoston, M. (2024, July). Stepped Care Models of Integrated Maternal Mental Health Care: How Counselors Can Help (IAC).
- Grimes, T., Graham, J., Ghoston, M., & Grimes, J. (2021, October). Successful Dissertation Advising: What Works? Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES).
- Graham, J. (2020, June). Toward the Development of an Advocacy-Focused Counselor Education Supervision Model. Indiana Counseling Conference. Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Graham, J. (2019). Centering Equity in Trauma-Informed Care: Creating Healing Spaces. 2019 Midwest and Plains Equity Center Safe and Inclusive Schools Learning Network Cohort (SIS LNC) EquiLearn Virtual Roundtable.
- Graham, J. (2018). Adolescent Mental Health, Parental Relationship, and Substance Awareness. Invited Panelist at Women’s Fund of Central Indiana OPTIONS Alumnae Workshop.
- Graham, J. (2018). Holistic mental health intervention: Charting pathways to wellness for vulnerable Hoosier youth. Invited panelist at the IUPUI Suicide Awareness and Prevention Panel. Indianapolis, IN.
- Graham, J., Goodman, A., & Martin, K. (2018, June). A book and a bridge: Counselors’ use of literacy to foster adult child connection. Invited presentation at All Souls Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom School. Indianapolis, IN.
- Graham, J. (2018, October). The role of family engagement in Urban Health Centers. Presented at the 2018 American School Health Association Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
- Graham, J. (2017, October). Truancy as Coping to Traumatic Stress. Presented at the 2017 International Association of Truancy and Drop-out Prevention Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
- Graham, J. (2017, April). Embodiment in a Counseling Context. Presented at 2017 Indiana Counseling Association Annual Conference. Columbus, IN.
- Graham, J. (2017, April). Embodiment in a Counseling Context. Presented at 2017 Indiana Counseling Association Annual Conference. Columbus, IN.
- Graham, J., Fleming, W., Hayes, L., Jones, J., & Sewell, A. (2015, February). Live supervision: An ethnographic account of faculty and students’ experience in the classroom. North Carolina Counseling Association (NCCA) Annual Conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Graham, J. (2014, January). Strong Black Woman Phenomenon: Implications for Counseling Professionals. North Carolina Counselors Association Annual Conference. Pinehurst, NC.
- Graham, J. (2013, October). Counseling Beyond the Paradox: Understanding the Strength Role in Relation to African American and Caribbean Women’s Wellness. American Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference. Denver, Colorado.
- Graham, J., & Ghoston, M. (2013, October). Self in Relation to Others: A paradigm and pedagogical shift away from the half-told tale of counselor’s multicultural competence. American Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference. Denver, Colorado.
- Graham, J. (2013, March). A dichotomy of both-and: Redefining the strength role as a risk and protective factor for female survivors of gender violence. Caribbean Conference on Domestic Violence and Gender Equality: Protecting Women and Girls. Trinidad & Tobago.
- Hartig, N., Bodenhorn, N., Graham, J., Ghoston, M., Farmer, L., Lile, J., & Sackett, C. (2011, October). Defining the present practices of doctoral admissions in order to shape the future: A research report on current practices and implications of post-master’s counseling experience requirements. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Bodenhorn, N., Hartig, N., Farmer, L., Ghoston, M., & Graham, J. (2011, March), Lile, J., Sackett, C. (2011, March) Post-masters experience for CES doctoral applicants: A survey of the field. American Counseling Association (ACA) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Ghoston, M., & Graham, J. (2010, October). Equity Pedagogy in Counselor Education: From Multicultural to Cross-Cultural. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Conference. Williamsburg, VA.
- Graham, J., & Ghoston, M. (2010, February). Equity Pedagogy in Higher Education: Multi- cultural to Cross-Cultural. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA
Peer-Reviewed Publications (selected):
- Graham, J., Welfare, L., Day-Vines, N., & Ghoston, M. (2022). Stress, Coping, and the Strong Black Woman: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.
- Graham, J., Day-Vines, N., & Zaccor, K. (2022). Dis, Dat, and Dem: Addressing Linguistic Diversity Awareness of African American English Speakers. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.
- Ghoston, M., Grimes, T., Graham, J., Grimes, J., & Field, T. (2020). Faculty Perspectives on Strategies for Successful Navigation of the Dissertation Process in Counselor Education. The Professional Counselor.
- Graham, J., & Coomer, M. N. (2018). When schooling hurts: Professional school counselors as mitigates of school-based trauma. Journal of Global Engagement and Transformation.
- Farmer, L., Sackett, C., Lile, J., Bodenhorn, N., Hartig, N., Graham, J., & Ghoston, M. (2017). An exploration of the perceived impact of post-master’s experience on doctoral study in Counselor Education and Supervision. The Professional Counselor.
- Sackett, C., Hartig, N., Bodenhorn, N., Farmer, L., Ghoston, M., Graham, J., & Lile, J. (2015). Advising master’s students pursuing doctoral study: A survey of the counselor education and supervision field. The Professional Counselor.
- Bodenhorn, N., Hartig, N., Ghoston, M., Graham, J., Lile, J., Sackett, C., & Farmer, L. (2013). Counselor Education faculty positions: Requirements and preferences in CESNET announcements 2005-2009. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision.
Book Chapters:
- Graham, J. (2022). Advocate or Accomplice? School Counseling and Disproportionate Conduct Referrals of Young Black Boys. In Jackson, T. (Ed.). Black Mother Educators: Protectors of Black Children in Schools. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Graham, J., Kyere, E., & Jackson, T. (2021). The Trauma-Sensitive Urban Educator (T- SUE): A collaborative model for pre-service teacher development. In Garo, L.A., Butler, R.B., and Lewis, C.W. (Eds.), The Urban Educators Trauma Toolkit: Transformative School-based Strategies for Students Exposed to Violence. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Recent Media Interviews (selected):
- Slab, M. J. (2020, October 29).‘Outward display of awareness’: Carmel Clay and HSE schools are hiring diversity leaders. IndyStar.
Dr. Graham enjoys the arts, travel, gardening, philanthropy, and cooking with (but usually for) her loving family. She is a native coastal North Carolinian and continues to relish time spent on the North Carolina beaches and coastal communities of her formative years.
Counseling Faculty
- Dr. Jabari Adams
- Dr. Erin Binkley
- Dr. Robert Casares
- Dr. Tammy Cashwell
- Dr. Philip Clarke
- Dr. Jamie E. Crockett
- Dr. Nikki Elston
- Dr. Carla Emerson
- Dr. Isabel C. Farrell
- Dr. Allison Forti
- Dr. Michelle Ghoston
- Dr. Jasmine Graham
- Dr. Tameka Grimes
- Dr. Amy L. Grybush
- Dr. Seth Hayden
- Dr. Nathaniel Ivers
- Dr. David Johnson
- Dr. Sharon Blackwell Jones
- Dr. Sarah Moore
- Dr. Bob Nations
- Dr. Saundra Penn
- Dr. Jennifer Rogers
- Dr. Mark Scholl
- Dr. Kenneth Simington
- Dr. George Stoupas
- Dr. Jose Villalba
- Dr. Brittany E. Wyche