Dr. Nathaniel Ivers
Professor – Department Chair
Faculty member at Wake Forest University since July 2012

Mailing Address: WFU Department of Counseling, Box 7406, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Email Address: iversnn@wfu.edu
Office Phone: 336-758-3319
Location: Carswell 232
- Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education, UNC-Greensboro, 2009
- M.A. in Counseling, Wake Forest University, 2006
- B.S. in Psychology, Brigham Young University, 2003
- A.A.S. in Psychology, Ricks College, 2000
Research and Special Interests:
- Bilingual counseling; Culture; Terror Management Theory; Existentialism; Counseling with Spanish-speaking immigrants; Wellness
Awards (selected):
- Graduate Teaching Assistant Excellence Award, UNCG, 2009
- Outstanding Research Award, Chi Sigma Iota, 2009
- Outstanding Research Award, Upsilon Nu Chi Chapter, CSI, 2009
- Marian Pope Franklin Award, UNCG, 2008
Professional Service (selected):
- Interim Treasurer, Association for Humanistic Counseling, 2014-2015
- Chair,Committee on Addiction Counseling Training and CACREP Standards, IAAOC, 2011- present
- Editorial Review Board,Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 09/2010 – present
- Ad Hoc Editorial Board, Career Development Quarterly, 12/2011 – present
Counseling Experience:
- Part-time Private practitioner, Winston-Salem, NC, 2009-2010
- PRN Bilingual Alcohol Counselor, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, NC, 2009-2010
- Part-time Bilingual Counselor, Host Homes of Catholic Social Services, Winston-Salem, NC, 2008-2009
Professional Licensure and Memberships (selected):
- Association for Humanistic Counseling
- Licensed Professional Counselor in North Carolina
- Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas
- National Certified Counselor
- Human Services: Board Certified Practitioner
- American Counseling Association
- Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors
- International Association for Addictions and Offender Counselors
- Association for Creativity in Counseling
Recent Publications (Selected):
- Ivers, N. N., & Johnson, D. A. (2022). The relationship between mindfulness and multicultural counseling competence among mental health practitioners. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 61(1), 43-57.
- Ivers, N. N., Johnson, D. A., & Rogers, J. L. (2021). The relationship between implicit racial bias and mindfulness in mental health practitioners. Journal of Counseling and Development, 99, 11-23.
- Johnson, D. A., Ivers, N. N., & Avera, J. A., & Frazee, M. (2020). Supervision strategies for fostering state-mindfulness among counselors-in-training. The Clinical Supervisor, 39, 128-145.
- Johnson, D. A., Frazee, M., Bourn, N., & Ivers, N. N. (2019). Evaluating differences in the working alliance based on frequency of mindfulness practices among counselors-in-training. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 58, 34-52.
- Rogers, J. L., Bernard, J. M., Veach, L. J., Moro, R. R., Ivers, N. N., Reboussin, B., Miller, P. M., & O’Brien, M. C. (2018). Brief counseling for alcohol misuse among trauma patients: Two interventions and influence of baseline use. Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, 39(2), 89-105.
- Ivers, N. N., Johnson, D. A., Clarke, P. B., Berry, R., & Newsome, D. W. (2016). The relationship between mindfulness and multicultural counseling competence. Journal of Counseling and Development, 94, 72-82.
Recent presentations (selected):
- Johnson, D. A., & Ivers, N. N. (2022). Examining the Associations between Cultural Humility, Implicit Racial Bias, and Mindfulness Practices among Counselors and Mental Health Professionals. Association for the Assessment and Research in Counseling 2022 Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.
- Johnson, D. A., & Ivers, N. N. (2022). Mindfulness Practices for Therapeutic Relationships. Association for Humanistic Counseling 2022 Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.
- Ivers, N. N., & Johnson, D. A. (2022). The Relationship between Mindfulness and Multicultural Counseling Competence among Mental Health Practitioners. Association for Humanistic Counseling 2022 Annual Conference. Nashville, TN.
- Johnson, D. A., & Ivers, N. N. (2019). Reliability and validity evidence for the State-Interpersonal Reactivity Index: A session-specific multidimensional assessment of counselor empathy. Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
- Ivers, N. N., & Johnson, D. A. (2019). Understanding the influence of dispositional mindfulness and mindfulness practices on implicit and explicit racial bias. Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
- Johnson, D. A., & Ivers, N. N. (2018). Using mindfulness to create equitable and therapeutic relationships: Review of research and practice. Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
- Johnson, D. A., & Ivers, N. N. (2018). Assessment and Research Issues for Mindfulness and Meditation. Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling National Conference. Richmond, Virginia.
- Johnson, D. A., Ivers, N. N., Frazee, M., & Bourn, N. (2017). Frequency of counselor trainee mindfulness practices predicts alliance. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision 2017 Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Enjoys spending time with family, playing and watching sports, and reading.
Counseling Faculty
- Dr. Jabari Adams
- Dr. Erin Binkley
- Dr. Robert Casares
- Dr. Tammy Cashwell
- Dr. Philip Clarke
- Dr. Jamie E. Crockett
- Dr. Nikki Elston
- Dr. Carla Emerson
- Dr. Isabel C. Farrell
- Dr. Allison Forti
- Dr. Michelle Ghoston
- Dr. Jasmine Graham
- Dr. Tameka Grimes
- Dr. Amy L. Grybush
- Dr. Seth Hayden
- Dr. Nathaniel Ivers
- Dr. David Johnson
- Dr. Sharon Blackwell Jones
- Dr. Sarah Moore
- Dr. Bob Nations
- Dr. Saundra Penn
- Dr. Jennifer Rogers
- Dr. Mark Scholl
- Dr. Kenneth Simington
- Dr. George Stoupas
- Dr. Jose Villalba
- Dr. Brittany E. Wyche