Dr. Tammy Cashwell
Associate Teaching Professor
Faculty member at Wake Forest University since 2013

Mailing Address: WFU Department of Counseling, Box 7406, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
Email Address: cashweth@wfu.edu
Phone: 336-758-2493
Location: Carswell 204
- PhD in Counselor Education, Mississippi State University
- MS in School Counseling, Mississippi State University
- BS in Health Education, Appalachian State University
Research and Special Interests:
- Mindfulness, animal-assisted therapy, trauma, the spiritual feminine, the environment of academia.
Awards/Honors (selected):
- June Comola Scholarship (Mississippi Counseling Association)
- Chi Sigma Iota
- ACA Best Practices Award
Counseling Experience:
- Private practice (currently)
- Professional School Counselor for Sudduth Elementary and Reagan High School
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Counselor for Daymark Recovery Services
- Counselor for college students, adults, adolescents, children, couples, and families at the Mississippi State Counseling Lab
Professional Licensure and Memberships (selected):
- Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) in North Carolina
- Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)
- NC Professional Educator’s License
- American Counseling Association (ACA)
- American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
- North Carolina Counselor’s Association (NCCA)
- Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling (ACAC)
- North Carolina Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NCACAC)
- Chi Sigma Iota
Recent Publications (Selected):
- Crockett, J. E., Gill, D. L., Cashwell, T. H., & Myers, J. E. (2017). Integrating non-technological and technological peripheral biofeedback in counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 39, 163-179.
- Cashwell, T. H. (2016). Yoga. In R. D. Foster & J. M. Holden (Ed.), Connecting soul, spirit,mind, and body: A collection of spiritual and religious practices in counseling (pp. 155-160).
- Giordano, A. L., Clarke, P. B., Fulton, C. L., & Cashwell, T. H. (2016). Emerging approaches. In J. S. Young and C. S. Cashwell (Eds.), Clinical mental health counseling: Elements of effective practice. Pearson.
- Cashwell, C. S., & Cashwell, T. H. (2015) Disputing unhealthy beliefs or imposing values: Spirituality in counseling. In B. Herlihy and G. Corey (Eds), ACA Ethical Standards Casebook (7th ed.). American Counseling Association.
- Cashwell, T. H. (2014). Play Therapy (A requested stand-alone chapter for Pearson Publishers sold as a book on Amazon).
Recent presentations (selected):
- Cashwell, T. H. (2024, August). Chi Sigma Iota induction ceremony key note speaker.
- Cashwell, T. H. (2021, October). School counselors are counselors: Utilizing and often overlooked source. 60-minute presentation at the Annual Conference for Advancing School Mental Health. Online
- Carter, C., & Cashwell, T. H. (2021, February). Better together: Trauma-informed parent partnerships. 90 minute presentation at the annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools sponsored by the Attachment and Trauma Network, Inc. Online.
- Cashwell, T. H., & Forti, A. (2019, October). Helping students recognize and work with highly sensitive people in a highly insensitive world. Roundtable discussions at the bi-annual conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Seattle, WA.
- Cashwell, T. H., Forti, A., & Elston, N. (2019, February). Highly sensitive people in a highly insensitive world. North Carolina Counseling Association, Durham, NC.
- Forti, A., Cashwell, T. H., & Carter, C. (2018, October). Wait, I’m not perfect?: Applying self-compassion training to improve student outcomes. Poster session at the bi-annual conference of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Cashwell, T. H. (2017, February). Wellness: Going beyond lip service. North Carolina Counseling Association, Durham, NC.
- Tangen, J., Borders, D., Foreman, T., & Cashwell, T. H. (2017, October). Stages of motherhood. Panel discussion at the bi-annual conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Chicago, IL.
- Rogers, J. L., Binkley, E. E., Warden, S. P., Cashwell, T. H., Emerson, C. H., & Forti, A. (2016, February). Rethinking clinical supervision: A fresh look at common challenges. All-day pre-conference training at the North Carolina Counseling Association’s annual conference. Greensboro, NC.
- Rogers, J. L., Cashwell, T. H., Emerson, C., Forti, A., & Warden, S. (October 2014) Leaning In Without Losing Balance. Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision conference, Birmingham, AL.
Enjoy spending time with family and friends. Love music, reading, animals, and being outdoors – especially hiking with my dog, Tucker.
Counseling Faculty
- Dr. Jabari Adams
- Dr. Erin Binkley
- Dr. Robert Casares
- Dr. Tammy Cashwell
- Dr. Philip Clarke
- Dr. Jamie E. Crockett
- Dr. Nikki Elston
- Dr. Carla Emerson
- Dr. Isabel C. Farrell
- Dr. Allison Forti
- Dr. Michelle Ghoston
- Dr. Jasmine Graham
- Dr. Tameka Grimes
- Dr. Amy L. Grybush
- Dr. Seth Hayden
- Dr. Nathaniel Ivers
- Dr. David Johnson
- Dr. Sharon Blackwell Jones
- Dr. Sarah Moore
- Dr. Bob Nations
- Dr. Saundra Penn
- Dr. Jennifer Rogers
- Dr. Mark Scholl
- Dr. Kenneth Simington
- Dr. George Stoupas
- Dr. Jose Villalba
- Dr. Brittany E. Wyche